Oceans may part us, but there is an Atlantic Canadian Gin that is doing its part to protect the sea and all its (okay frankly a bit creepy) inhabitants! I’m working with Open Coast Gin this summer and they give a portion of the sales to Mind Your Plastic, which is cool.

Pineapple Under the Sea
2oz Gin (I am using Open Coast)
3/4 spicy pineapple and sumac syrup*
1 oz lemon
1 oz egg white or Aquafaba
Dash of saline solution or pinch of salt
Dry shake without ice. Shake again with ice. Strain into a coupe and top with pineapple soda. Garnish with a fresh twist of lemon because zest is as pleasing to the snout as a sea breeze!
*For the syrup:
1/2 chopped pineapple
1/2 tsp dried chilies
1 tsp sumac
2 cups of brown sugar
2 cups boiling water
Simmer together on a hob until boiling. Leave to cool and infuse for 2 hours or more. Strain and bottle. Mmm!